Goin extension: what is it
If you are one of those who enter Google and write What is Goin extension, don't worry: we're here to answer you.
As you may already know, browsers are becoming more sophisticated. Where before there was only little more than a search engine, now you can do practically everything: view documents, record videos, edit images, etc. And all this thanks to the power of browser extensions.
If this is completely unrelated to you, don't worry. We are going to talk to you about it. Specifically, we are going to tell you What is the Goin extension, and why you're interested.
What is the Goin extension?
An extension is, in short, a kind of application that we add to our browser to perform an additional function.
In general, these types of systems are very popular among users of Google Chrome, since it is a browser that allows developers to launch all kinds of ideas to their own extension download center. Come on, you can download an antivirus extension, to capture video or to block certain websites, for example (or ads, of course).
Because of this popularity, at Goin we have developed our own extension. We already told you that, like everything we do, it's free for the user, and it offers you a lot of advantages when it comes to saving money every month.
What are the advantages of using our extension?
To be totally honest, among the main advantages of the Goin extension There is the fact that, just by installing it, you will get good savings on your purchases in many electronic stores.
It works very simply: simply Add the Goin extension to Chrome, you go to your favorite store and... magic! You don't have to worry about anything else, because if you collaborate with us, we'll send you an alert so that you can request your Cashback when making the payment.
And what's that about? That we reward your loyalty with a small amount that is added to your savings in Goin. Yes, yes, as you hear: we return a small part of your purchase just for being part of the community of Goiners. And no joke with this, because we can help you save a lot more than you imagine. On average, 114€ per year, and counting!
How can I download the extension?
To download the Goin extension you just have to click hither. From that point on, it's as simple as synchronizing everything with your Goin account, and checking how The Cashback savings appear in your account with each purchase. That, as long as it's in partner stores, of course. Don't worry, we already have more than 1,000! And with top brands.
Now that you know What is the Goin extension, you just have to start shopping and enjoy saving. We make it easy and effective, because we specialize in helping you take care of your money.