How much money do festivals make?

Every year, the Spanish leisure industry is hit by the economic tsunami of festivals. Although the pandemic was a before and after for this entire sector, it is more alive than ever in 2022. Hence the inevitable question: How much money do festivals make?
Because yes, many important festivals were devastated by COVID-19, showing negative effects on the Spanish economy, and a lot of Festivaleros eager for more. However, the profitability and employment generation of these SuperEventos is back stronger than ever. Let's see how much we're talking about... and draw your own conclusions.
How much money do festivals make: before the pandemic
It is necessary to make some numbers before getting to the present. To do this, let's think about the year 2019: the total economic impact that was estimated, in terms of festivals in Spain, reached 5.6 billion euros, mostly in Catalonia. But with some very very large ones all over the Spanish geography.
This community is left on average with a 44% of what was generated and it is the first Spanish destination with more festivals, followed by Andalusia and Madrid.
Los 10 most emblematic festivals have an influence on the economy of more than 400 million euros. And if that one doesn't make you dizzy, listen to this one: Spain is considered to be the first tourist destination in terms of festivals, with around 1,000 festivals taking place every year.
They must already be giving you the bills, right? I just need to tell you How much money do music festivals make. In 2019, in terms of tickets alone, they obtained the figure of 420 million euros with the sum of live music festivals, reaching around 28 million people as spectators.
Today's festivals: how much money do they make?
Beyond these astronomical figures, it's important to think that we're talking about an industry of people. It involves more than 300,000 direct and indirect jobs, and it attracts a large mass of foreign tourists, who spend a minimum of 300 euros per event. Although it is difficult to access specific figures (the organizers are very jealous of them), you can estimate that we are talking about a very profitable business, although at high risk. A festival that is on the crest today may disappear from the map tomorrow.
A very current example is the Festival Starlite. Only on the days when this event is held Can you exceed the 186 million euros it generates throughout the Costa del Sol area every year. What sustains it? Its international proposal, quality and staging, reaching audiences in 72 countries and more than a million people on the move.
And what's happening in 2022?
This year 2022 has started off on the right foot for musical events. With Viña Rock in Villarrobledo, we can get an idea of how much money festivals make, and how they are shaping up for this season.
This great event brought together more than 240,000 people and generated 22 million euros, which had an impact on the town and beyond, of course.
If we think about the full ones that are registering other alternatives, such as O Son do Camiño In Galicia, I'm sure that the volume of business after the pandemic demonstrates what we already know: that people love music. And we were looking forward to celebrating it.
Now that you have an idea of How much do festivals earn, it's time to start making decisions to enjoy them to the fullest. If your goal is to save for the next entry, you already know: with our application you can save and achieve it more easily and at the best price. Find out how in Goin.